04 September 2010

Bear Mountain: 1, Stella : ZERO.

a couple of weeks ago, through angela's sheer persistence and peskiness - i was convinced to go hiking on Bear Mountain. I went because i have never been, and i could take pictures.


first off, i didnt have hiking shoes, i wasnt in hiking clothes and it was raining. on and off and hard. Its a hard and embarrassing lesson to learn because i tagged along a bike and hike meetup group (kill me, kill me now.) and if i were in their hiking shoes, i would be the person i would ABSOLUTELY HATE. i could recite a litany of excuses, but what i did was totally ANNOYING.

but it wasnt a total waste (even if i didnt last for more than half an hour) i did get some pretty interesting photos.

There is a bit more photos in here. But not much. I gave up right away, remember?

I commend all the wildlife and nature photographers for taking all the wonderful photos. The whole time i took this i was scared to lose my balance and roll down this steep mountain and into the road below.

Thank you to Angela and Garret and the rest of the meet up group for the patience. (this is angela - the rest of the group are already out up in the mountain when i took this.)

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