28 October 2009

the well-fed secretary that could

My bread and butter for the last 7 years has been a secretary of some sorts. I absolutely love doing it, as i dont have to constantly be thinking about everything. as soon as the clock strikes 6, im done and out and about.

One of the most unusual perk of being ZDNY&Co's secretary (and owning a camera and knowing how to use it) is having my photos of our jewelry appear in trade magazines.

so far my jewelry photography have appeared in three publications:

Modern Jeweler (august 2009) - snake ring photo, bottom middle.

Lustre Who's Who in Designer Jewelry 2009  - distributed during the JCK and JCK Lux Shows in Las Vegas 2009- snake ring photo, first pic on first column

Jewelers' Circular Keystone (JCKMag) September 2009 - circles cuff bracelet, bottom photo

jewelry isnt one of my favorite subjects to take photos of - not only do they require so much light, they also reflect a bunch of stuff you dont need in your photo, like your face and camera on the jewelry itself - a difficult and painful thing to clean off your photo - and, i have to make them look expensive and luxurious.

it's all in the secretary's day's work.

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